Flight Test Training & Education Committee
FTTEC will find training and education solutions for training and education requirements that are common to all flight test or a subset of flight test endeavors. It will do so through collaboration by dividing training development requirements amongst multiple small, focused teams, and then finding and sharing those solutions. Whether producing foundational flight test skills and knowledge that are universally applicable to the flight test discipline or those specific to the categories of FW, RW, Part 23, 25, 27, 29, or military flight test, these skills and knowledge will improve flight test safety, effectiveness, and efficiency in planning, executing, and reporting of flight test.
The inaugural edition of FTTEC Newsletter is here!
Want to get involved? Contact Committee Chair Doug Rybczynski Douglas.rybczynski@honeywell.
Download the Paper - Patrick D. Hutcheson (Past FTTEC Committee Chair)
Published in the 67th Proceedings of SETP
Download the Slides - Patrick D. Hutcheson
Presented at the 67th SETP Symposium, Anaheim, California, September 2023