SFTE President Organizes Lancaster Office Space

SFTE President Jen Uchida visited our headquarters in Lancaster this August in order to organize the society's office space in preparation for our move to virtual. While she was in California, both Antelope Valley and Los Angeles Chapters hosted happy hours to welcome her. Additionally, Scaled Composites hosted Jen for a tour of their facilities. It was a highly successful and productive trip and there are a few people Jen would like to thank:
  • Pax River chapter president, Seth Shaw, for volunteering his time to help organize HQ
  • Director at Large, Rachel McFalls-Brown, for volunteering her time to help organize HQ
  • Antelope Valley chapter vice president, Jacob Varhus, for organizing the Scaled Composites tour
  • All the members who attended happy hour, thank you for taking the time to welcome Jen to the area!

Left to right: Karen Delano (SFTE Administrative Assistant), Rachel McFalls-Brown (SFTE Board of Directors, Chapter Committee Chair), and Jen Uchida (SFTE President) at the end of long day of sorting and organizing.

Jen Uchida attends a happy hour with the Antelope Valley Chapter

Jen meets with FTEs at Scaled Composites in Mojave, CA.

Jen poses for a photo with Jacob Varhus (AV Chapter Vice President, left) and Matt Culbreth (right) in front of the Scaled Composites ARES demonstrator aircraft.

The LA Chapter hosts a happy hour!