Year | Paper |
2005 | Lateral Dispense of Infrared (IR) Decoys from the F-16 Pylon Integrated Dispenser System (PIDS) |
2005 | USAF Store Separation Flight Test Lessons Learned: Limitations of Modern Tools and Applications |
2004 | Beware of Raptors with open doors: The F/A-22 Safe Separations Program |
2002 | Use of Virtual Store Separation Computer Simulation During the Mixed Store Separation Evaluation on the US Navy FA-18 Aircraft |
2001 | Quick Photogrammetric Separation Analysis for the Gripen Test Program |
2000 | A New Store Separation Test Method - Status Update |
2000 | Innovations of the SUU-25F/A Flare Dispenser Pod Flight Test Program on the U.S. Navy F/A-18A Aircraft |
1999 | Airborne Separation Video System Government Suitability Test |
1997 | Store Separation Film Analysis Using a Maximum Likelihood Estimator |
1996 | SEEK EAGLE F-15E Mixed Loads Certification |
1996 | A New Store Separation Test Method |
1995 | Flight Test Techniques for Weapon/Store Release Trajectory Analysis |
1994 | F-14A/B Air-To-Ground Weapons Separation Program |
1992 | Single Camera Store Separation |
1987 | Store Trajectory Film Analysis and Mathematical Modeling Techniques |
1984 | Further Development in Stores Separation Data Acquisition and Reduction |
1978 | Separation Testing of Large Weapons From the B-1 Bomber |