Technical Library - Human Factors

Technical Library

⇒ Human Factors

Crew Workload and Flight Displays
Other Human Factors
Piloting Technique
Qualitative Assessments

Past Symposia Papers

2019Rapid-Paced T-45 Physiological Event Flight Testing
2017Human-Systems Integration Methods in Flight Test: A Consolidated Framework for Sociotechnical Modeling During Critical Phases of Flight in General Aviation
2015Ridit Analysis and Confidence Intervals for Borg Scale, Cooper-Harper and other Ordinal Ratings
2014Proposal for a Flight Test Brevity Standard
2014A/P22P-14(V)3 ChemBio Respirator ECP Flight Testing on the F/A-18
2013The Mir-Progress 233 Near-Miss, and 234 Collision - a Case Study in Human Factors and Why Most Off-Nominal Space Activities have Flight Test Components
2009Too Much of a Good Thing: A Discussion of Excessive Advisories, Cautions, And Warnings (ACAWS) In The E-2D Aircraft
2006Throttles Only Control of an Aircraft: A Proposed Method to Measure Training Effects on Mental Workload and Spare Mental Capacity
2004Flight test and development of a new anti-g system in JAS 39 GRIPEN
1998Physiological Measurement of the Push-Pull Effect During Flight
1996Advanced Man Machine Integration into Crew Station Avionics Architecture
1990Dealing with Pilot Response in Failure Case Testing
1985Aircrew Protection Design, Training and Mission Management for High Altitude Aerodonetic Operations
1977The Failings of Cockpit Geometry Design
1977Applications of Pilot Scanning Behavior to Integrated Display Research
1975Effect on Pilot Performance with Refined Helicopter Displays