Year | Paper |
2019 | Rapid-Paced T-45 Physiological Event Flight Testing |
2017 | Human-Systems Integration Methods in Flight Test: A Consolidated Framework for Sociotechnical Modeling During Critical Phases of Flight in General Aviation |
2015 | Ridit Analysis and Confidence Intervals for Borg Scale, Cooper-Harper and other Ordinal Ratings |
2014 | Proposal for a Flight Test Brevity Standard |
2014 | A/P22P-14(V)3 ChemBio Respirator ECP Flight Testing on the F/A-18 |
2013 | The Mir-Progress 233 Near-Miss, and 234 Collision - a Case Study in Human Factors and Why Most Off-Nominal Space Activities have Flight Test Components |
2009 | Too Much of a Good Thing: A Discussion of Excessive Advisories, Cautions, And Warnings (ACAWS) In The E-2D Aircraft |
2006 | Throttles Only Control of an Aircraft: A Proposed Method to Measure Training Effects on Mental Workload and Spare Mental Capacity |
2004 | Flight test and development of a new anti-g system in JAS 39 GRIPEN |
1998 | Physiological Measurement of the Push-Pull Effect During Flight |
1996 | Advanced Man Machine Integration into Crew Station Avionics Architecture |
1990 | Dealing with Pilot Response in Failure Case Testing |
1985 | Aircrew Protection Design, Training and Mission Management for High Altitude Aerodonetic Operations |
1977 | The Failings of Cockpit Geometry Design |
1977 | Applications of Pilot Scanning Behavior to Integrated Display Research |
1975 | Effect on Pilot Performance with Refined Helicopter Displays |